• Skill.
    • Master Java and be familiar with JVM features and principles. Maintaining the entire application.

    • Proficient in using SpringBoot+Mybatis and MetaQ, big data tools MaxCompute, Flink, etc.

    • Familiar with MySQL; understand Redis, Lucene, PostgreSQL, BigTable

    • used React for full-stack development. Developed the front-end billing framework in Taobao Factory.

    • Aspire to DDD, Code Specifications, Code Review, and Unit Testing, etc.

  • Experience.


    • WritingHelper 2021.02 SourceCode


      I realized that there was a lack of tools for writing authentic IELTS phrases on the market,so I developed it.
      The project is developed based on the Node.js environment. Through the dictionary tree and responsibility chain, LSP’s API is used to realize automatic completion of English word combinations, Chinese translation .etc

      The number of users has continued to increase since the project was launched, with currently 5,500+ users using it.

    • Others

    Work Project

    • Taotian Group Tao Factory 2022.10 - present

      I am responsible for the "money and bill integration" business and upgrading the integration of industry and finance in the user service & customer base team. Later, I built and was responsible for the pre-sales module of TaoBao Factory from scratch with my mentor, including activation, recommendation, Q&A, experience, Data analysis construction.

      • Knowledge base link construction instructions 说明


        The knowledge base is the foundation for AI to upgrade the underlying capabilities of customer service Q&A. I am responsible for the main links of the knowledge base, integrating merchants, waiters, algorithm recommendations, and missed knowledge sources, opening up large-scale production links for effective answers, and supporting the pre-sales and after-sales Q&A of the entire Taobao Factory.

      • Integration of Money-Bill-Invoices and business 说明

        I am responsible for the automation and integration of the three businesses of “settlement”, “billing” and “supplier invoicing” within my BU. The project involves more than ten billing services and the data volume reaches tens of billions. I have made extensive use of MaxCompute, PostgreSQL, BigTable and other databases.DSL was developed for “faster reception”. It builds capabilities in the field of industry and finance based on DDD, flexibly uses SPI and responsibility trees to facilitate various business expansions, and fully implements defensive programming.
        The project ensures that double-ended compensation and marketing links are traceable and there is no capital loss. After the project went online, the efficiency of the original chimney development was shortened to one week, and the project was systematically introduced in “Alibaba Technology”.

    • Alibaba Taote Business Department 2021.06 - 2022.10

      I am responsible for the replenishment & inventory planning business to ensure that the goods are put on the shelves in the right quantity at the right time and place to exactly meet the order demand.

      • Replenishment plan link reconstruction and iteration

        As the 1.5 million product pool at the source of the replenishment plan becomes larger and larger, the entire link starting from data integration fails almost every week and must be reconstructed: 1. Product pool reduction; 2. Link optimization; 3. Active failure monitor

        Rebuilt the entire merchant warehouse link, selected the search engine HA3, combined with SARO, Swift, and Flink; I implemented the client and ORM based on http from scratch, and used asynchronous, concurrency, slicing and other means to optimize the code, especially from the business perspective Logically divided into strategies and redundancy optimization.

        The project immediately reduced work orders and failures, and shortened the calculation link recalculation time by 93%. It was commended within the department for “making users happy”.